Welcome to Barnton Cricket Club, Cheshire Cw84ql.
Established in 1880 Barnton Cricket Club plays an integral part in village life. We currently have approximately 1200 members. The membership is made up of social and sporting members, who participate in our thriving club life.
Please use this web page for the bar and kitchen opening hours, membership prices and posting updates on our busy social schedule mainly tribute acts, offers and processes on our social media pages. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with us!
Don’t be misled by the Clubs’ name because cricket is only one of the many sports and activities played at the Club. We have several Mens and Ladies Squash Teams. Crown Green Bowls teams participate in the counties respective leagues. We have two Domino teams playing on Tuesday nights and two Ladies Darts teams who compete on Thursday Evenings.

Socially, Sunday nights alternate between a Quiz and Bingo. A “friendly” Poker School get together on a Tuesday night, for small stakes of course! If any of these activities appeal to you, get in touch because we are always on the look-out for new players and members.
Get in touch whether you are Senior or Young or drop in for more information on our membership options – we’ll be delighted to see you.
The Club has quite a busy social calender and The Club is also proactive in raising funds for nationwide charities such as MacMillan Nurses, Children in Need and St Luke’s Hospice.
Come see us over on Facebook and Instagram!
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